March Madness
March is here and so is a new blog post! This month is packed with all sorts of events, so lets go through them.
Friday March 3rd @7pm, and Wednesday March 29th @7pm we'll be having a Chaos Draft!
Entry fee is $10 + the price of packs you choose. You can either bring your own and only pay $10 or choose 3 draft booster packs from any of the sets we have available, Un-sets excluded. We've got some interesting sets in stock such as Hour of Devastation, Journey to Nyx, Gatecrash, Betrayers of Kamigawa and Ravnic: City of Guilds!
Friday March 10th @7pm we will also be revisting an old set for FNM: Draft.
Entry fee is the $20 with standard prize support!
We'll be hosting our monthly D&D - Beginner's Campaign on March 11th @2pm.
Join us at Game Haven for a campaign designed for beginners. We will give out a free set of dice to each beginner. All ages welcome! This event is completely free as our friend Jay has offered her time to be DM for this lovely experience! We have a limit of 6 people so please call ahead to reserve a spot. If spots are ever filled, you can always reserve a spot for the next motnh, April 1st @2pm!
We also have the return of the Store Championship, this season is Phyrexia: All Will Be One!
On March 5th @Noon, compete in this sealed event against other magic players for a chance at winning some cool promos and bragging rights as Game Haven's Store Champion!
The first 100 entrants will receive an Annex Sentry promo, Top 8 will get a foil Memory Deluge promo and 1st place will get a foil Koth, Fire of Resistance promo! As a WPN Premium store, our Top 8 and Winner promos will have the store name printed on them! Tickets are available here.
Continuing with our competitive magic events, we have our next RCQ! On March 12th @Noon, bring your Pioneer deck and compete to be one of the TOP 2 players to receive an invitation to Regionals!
Decklists are required for this event so please come early enough to fill one out or bring one with you.
The first 57 entrants will receive a Mystical Dispute promo, top 8 will get a copy of Thing in the Ice and the top 2 players will get a FOIL copy of Thing in the Ice, 2 non foil copies of Thing in the Ice and 3 copies of Mystical Dispute! Online registration cuts off March 11th. Tickets are available here.
March 12th @2pm is also our Commander Party for Phyrexia: All Will Be One!
Bring your commander decks and align yourself with 1 of the 5 praetors to receive special bonuses in a multiplayer game of Commander as thanks for your Compleation.
Entry fee is $5 and each participant will receive $5 in store credit along with Phyrexian Foil Dismember, Psychosis Crawler, Norn's Annex while supplies last.
Our friends from Chatime will be returning to our parking lot March 12th. Be sure to grab a bubble tea and some of their delicious buns in between rounds.
Check them out for more information.
Get ready everyoe because we're busting out the Community Cube twice this month! We'll be hosting Game Haven's Community Cube Wednesday, March 15th @7pm and Friday, March 24th @7pm.
Game Haven has created a Store Cube for you to enjoy! We have carefully curated these cards to elevate your draft experience Entry fee is $10. Along with regular prize support, players can also change cards in the cube!
- 3-0 gets to change 2 cards in the cube, while 2-1 and 2-0-1 players get to change 1 card in the cube**
- **Cards must be under $100. If the store does not have the card or it is over the $100, you can loan it to the cube**
- Check out what cards are included in the cube!
This cube hosts 8 people so we will be holding a Phyrexia: All Will Be One draft on both days as well. Entry for the Phyrexia draft is $20 with standard prize support.
Next up is Time Spiral Remastered for FNM: Draft on March 17th @7pm.
Entry fee is $30 with standard draft packs as prize support.
Can't get enough of a good Cube? We have the return of the Mischke AI Cube! On March 22nd @7pm for our Weekly Wednesday Draft you can experience a cube unlike any other. Two members of our community, the Mischke brothers, coded an Artificial Intelligence that generated these cards. That means every detail of each card was crafted by an AI!
Entry fee is $10. Participants will draft then play 1 multiplayer round in a pod of 3-4 players. 1st out gets 2 standard draft boosters, 2nd and 3rd out get 1 standard booster pack, winner gets 4 draft booster packs!
For those not interested, we will also be hosting a Phyrexia: All Will Be One Draft. Entry to the Phyrexia draft is $20 with standard prize support.
With Pokémon releasing a new set for the TCG, we'll be hosting Prereleases!
On March 19th @1pm, March 21st @7pm, and March 26th @1pm, you can experience the Paldea region before official release. For $35, each participant will receive a Scarlet & Violet Build & Battle kit. Any player that wins all 3 rounds will receive 6 Scarlet & Violet Booster Packs, players that win 2 will get 4, and everyone else gets 2!
We have our monthly meeting for The Ladies Magic Lounge on March 29th, from 7pm to 10pm, you can enjoy a night of fun and make new friends! This event will be run by our Assistant Manager, Sham!
Be sure to bring your magic decks. If you don't have one, we'll have a few available to borrow. Each participant will receive 1 Magic: the Gathering promo! We'll be using the private room in the back so we have a limit of 7 people. Please call ahead or send us a message to reserve a spot.
And finally, our regularly scheduled events.
The new point sheet for Commander League can be found here.
Stay tuned for April!